HASS.Agent AutoImport is a tiny console application that will automatically import all .lnk and .url (shortcut) files in a directory, and create commands and/or sensors for them in HASS.Agent.

Originally developed to easily import all Steam games, you can use this to import games and applications from anywhere and have them added as buttons to Home Assistant. Set it to monitor your desktop, and all new installed application will show up in HA!

Go full circle by having Home Assistant run the importer for you, by creating a CustomCommand in HASS.Agent and apply it to an automation. Use the startup arguments from the list below to finetune the process. It’ll remember which shortcuts have already been added, so running the tool periodically on the same folder is no problem.

Click here to download the latest release, or visit the GitHub repo.


Configuration is done through appsettings.json in the config subfolder. If it’s not found, it’ll be created on launch.

Option HASSAgentInstallPath (optional)

Local root path for HASS.Agent. If left empty, it’ll use the default.

Option ShortcutSourceFolder

Where to look for your .lnk and .url files.

Option ShortcutSearchRecusively

Set to true to search through subdirectories as well.

Option CreateCustomCommands

Create a CustomCommand for every shortcut found.

Option CreateProcessActiveSensors

Create a ProcessActive sensor for every shortcut found.

Note: This is best effort, might require tweaking the process in HASS.Agent. Won’t work for Steam urls.

Option RestartHASSAgentOnNewItems

Set to true to restart HASS.Agent after new shortcuts are found.

Note: Restarting HASS.Agent is required to have the new entities registered.

Uses securifybv.ShellLink to parse the .lnk files ❤️

Requires .NET 6, download the redistributables here.

Everything on the HASS.Agent platform is released under the MIT license.